Customer Support

Call Today (412)-826-9450

Store Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thurs. EST

                       9:00am-3:00pm Friday EST


Customer Support

Call Today (412)-826-9450

Store Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thurs. EST

                       9:00am-3:00pm Friday EST


Postcard Mailers

We will get your name noticed and your message communicated creatively, affordably and effectively. Our mailing department will address, barcode, and cass certify your mailer to ensure the lowest postage and fastest possible delivery, on time every time.


Address and Bar Coding

1-5,999...................................................$.08 each

6,000 - 9,999..........................................$.06 each

10,000 and up........................................$.05 each

Machine Set-up/

Disc Conversion......................................$80.00

(Includes barcode, cass certify, bulk sort, and spray address)

Delivery to Post Office............................$40.00

6" x 4"

Qty 1 Side 2 Sides
250 $58 $72
500 $99 $122
1000 $168 $207
1500 $213 $255
2500 $315 $379
5000 $553 $664
10,000 $853 $1138

8.5" x 5.5" or 6" x 9"

Qty 1 Side 2 Sides
250 $86 $113
500 $156 $176
1000 $283 $380
1500 $385 $511
2500 $568 $756
5000 $995 $1327
10,000 $1480 $1980

6" x 11"

QTY 2 Sided
250 $175
500 $306
1000 $523
1500 $649
2500 $865
5000 $1298
10,000 $2163