Customer Support

Call Today (412)-826-9450

Store Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thurs. EST

                       9:00am-3:00pm Friday EST


Customer Support

Call Today (412)-826-9450

Store Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm Mon-Thurs. EST

                       9:00am-3:00pm Friday EST


Meet Our Staff

Although we're proud of our products, services, and technology, nothing matches the pride we have in our staff. You see, we learned long ago that we're really in the business of building relationships. For that reason, we put a premium on hiring only the most qualified individuals to serve on our team. Every person on our staff is committed to providing excellent customer service and producing high-quality products and services. As you work with us in the future, we're confident that you'll find this to be true.

James O'Malley


Jim Baird

Senior Graphic Designer/Manager

Anne O'Malley
CFO, Finance

Ed Blacksmith
Head Press Operator

Accounts Payable & Receivable

Larry Kosht
Butler Sales Rep.


In working with us, you'll find that our company is not overly regimented. Everyone understands their role but is willing to help out wherever needed to see a job through. You'll never hear a member of our staff say, "that's not my job." Whether it's Customer Service or production, it takes everyone we have to make our clients look their best.